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Irish Castles Course

As a Thank You for subscribing to our newsletter we have put together a wonderful little course on Irish Castles for you.

We absolutely LOVE Irish castles and we are hoping to let you in our fascination with the subject!

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You will learn about the history of medieval castles, why they were built a certain way, how they were built, how people lived back in the day, what an attack was like on a castle and how it was defended AND sooo much more.

Seriously, we hope to blow your minds! Medieval history is alive in Ireland, and we want to bring it to you in an entertaining and exciting fashion, so welcome, please join in and enjoy the ride!

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Please return the favour and help us cover our cost by clicking on Google ads and/ or buying us a cup of coffee! Thank you so much in advance.

Warmest regards, Colm & Susanna

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